About Us
You remember 2010, right?
Amazon was a teenager. Facebook was a rock star. iPads and Angry Birds were all the craze! And, up in Canada, a bunch of crazy college kids built the world’s first successful ornithopter. Five hundred years after da Vinci, someone finally figured out how to get that wing flapping contraption to fly.
Just like those kids, we were working on a new success for an old idea. Potato cannons were certainly not new in 2010. But, that was the year one of our favorite employees designed a small version that would fit in a flat rate postal envelope. Leave it to the guy from Idaho to figure out how to sell potato guns on the internet. Now we could ship them fast and cheap! It was a huge success. There were a lot of boys and girls with a shiny new potato cannon that Christmas. Woot!!
Over the years we have developed and tested many models, including some with tennis balls and even a variation to shoot water balloons. Some folks specialize in brilliant, clever toys. Others devote themselves to serious business. At Tater Toys, our business is all about fun, stupid fun. If fun is what you need, have a look around. We feel sure you can find just the thing.